Stop Sliding Mats with Wearwell's WOW! Finish

WOW! Finish is a special non-slip finish that prevents mats from slipping and sliding around on the floor. This high-traction, tacky finish keeps your mats firmly planted in place.

Mats that shift out of place from foot traffic and general use create trip and fall hazards. Stop sliding mats and avoid these hazards with WOW! Finish. Invest in anti-fatigue no-slide floor mats today to increase and improve workplace safety and productivity.

Watch the video to the right to see how Wearwell's floor mats with WOW! Finish outperform the competition in hold duration and strength.

WOW! Finish - No slide floor matsWOW! Finish - No slide floor mats
WOW! Finish - No slide floor matsWOW! Finish - No slide floor mats